Finding meaning in suffering
It is not suffering that we most avoid. How many times in life have we willingly entered into some kind of sacrifice [read: suffering] to move to a better place? We will give up all manner of pleasure for higher education. What intense suffering will a woman undergo to have a baby? We will willingly suffer sleep loss and loss of weekends to get a new business going.
It is not the suffering that we avoid; it is meaningless suffering that we detest. Lack of meaning is one of the most soul-crushing maladies in today’s world, along with the Prima Facie cause of all suffering: disconnection. All suffering and dis-ease originates from dis-connection.
Astrology reconnects us with the meaning of our individualized Soul’s Journey, and it reconnects our previously un-tethered life to the Cosmos. This is the main reason why astrology is a sacred science, or path of yoga [union with God] in India.